
Current Things: June 2023

Currently Reading

Currently Watching

  • I Think You Should Leave, Season 3
  • Silo, Season 1
  • Mrs. Davis, Season 1
  • Ted Lasso, Season 3

Currently In Queue

Currently Listening


  • With the new Zelda game being released, I’m surprised I’ve had time for anything else! But managed to keep with TV shows and even read a book! But that’s all over now. My life is nothing but Zelda now
  • I’ve been listening to Maggie Rogers latest album on near repeat for the past month. The first album was good, but this one is great

Finished in May:

Yellowjackets, Season 2: the show remains delightfully uneven and I’m beginning to think it’s on purpose

Succession, Season 4: there’s always another move to be made

Finished reading: Alexandra Petri’s US History: Important American Documents (I Made Up) by Alexandra Petri 📚I know she said this was made up, but if the truth of things are more in the feel of it rather than the think of it, this may be the most accurate historical record ever produced

The Mandalorian, season 3: I thought all season that the show just didn’t remember why everyone liked it in the first place. But then that last scene made me think that they remembered and just didn’t care

Previously, in Current Things…

May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022